Call for Papers TEEM'15

The 3rd edition of the Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM) conference will be held at Porto, Portugal, from October 7-9, 2015. Jointly organised by the Polytechnic of Porto and the University of Salamanca, this event brings together researchers and postgraduate students interested in combining different aspects of the technology applied to knowledge society development, with a special attention to educational and learning issues regarding, but not limited to, the following broad-scope research areas: Education Assessment and Orientation, Human-Computer Interaction, eLearning, Computers in Education, Communication Media and Education, Medicine and Education, Robotics in Education, Learning Analytics, Engineering Education, and Information Society and Education. TEEM is divided in thematic and highly cohesive tracks.

Each track shares the scientific and formal aspects for paper submissions, peer reviews and publication, but the track chairs will organise the proper dynamics to achieve the most important goal: to create a researching community. Because of this, the conference social events are open to all participants, including those registered as students, for strengthening the intercultural and multicultural skills among them, independently of the tracks in which they have been involved. This promotes a low-cost / high-value conference, which reflects the nature of the city hosting the 3rd TEEM - Porto - elected the Best European Destination 2014.The proposed tracks for this edition are:

  • Track 1. New Technologies in Health Education and Research
  • Track 2. Educational Innovation
  • Track 3. A robot in the classroom
  • Track 4. Gamification ecosystems
  • Track 5. Endless horizons? Addressing current concerns about learning analytics
  • Track 6. Mobile Apps and computational systems as learning tools
  • Track 7. Apps for Learning and Learning with Apps
  • Track 8. Evaluation in education and guidance
  • Track 9. New publishing and scientific communication ways: Electronic edition, digital
  • educational resources
  • Track 10. Transferring knowledge and experiences from informal to formal learning contexts
  • Track 11. Project presentations
  • Track 12. Learning the sustainability and social compromise skills
  • Track 13. Engineering and technological learning in educational and professional contexts
  • Track 14. Doctoral Consortium

Authors are invited to submit full, original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered for publication in any other forum. The Program Committee will referee all submissions for quality, originality, and relevance.

Papers Format

All contributions (5-8 pages) will be written following the ACM template ( and should apply ACM Computing Classification categories and terms. The templates provide space for this indexing and point authors to the Computing Classification Scheme at The first anonymous version must be submitted in PDF. Paper must be submitted through EasyChair platform (

All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings, which will be published in the ACM Digital Library as a volume in its International Conference Proceedings Series with ISBN.

Authors with best papers will be invited to prepare and submit extended versions to be considered, after a new peer review, for publication in several special issues of the following scientific journals. Some of them are mainly linked to specific tracks (as it is described in each track page), others have a more transversal scope and papers from all tracks may be invited.

Important dates:
Paper Submission: June 14 (each track may have a different submission deadline)
Notification of acceptance: July 12
Camera-ready version: July 21
Authors’ registration deadline: July 26
Conference dates: October 7-9