Green Agripreneurs of Future Funding: European Union. Erasmus + KA2 - Cooperation partnership in school educationCoordinator: Bursa Il Milli Eğitim MüdürlüğüProject type: EuropeanWebsite:
Empowering Women in Tech Innovation and Entrepreneurship by developing a Supportive Ecosystem in Higher Education Institutions Funding: European Union. Erasmus + KA2 - Cooperation partnership in higher educationCoordinator: Fundacja Edukacyjna PerspektywyProject type: EuropeanWebsite:
DEsign Tools of Artificial Intelligence in Sustainability Living LabS Funding: European Union. Erasmus + KA2 - Cooperation partnership in higher educationCoordinator: Universita di PisaProject type: European
Training SEN teachers to use robotics for fostering STEAM and develop computational thinking Funding: European Union. Erasmus + KA2 - Cooperation partnership in school educationCoordinator: Universidad de LeónProject type: EuropeanWebsite:
Security and Privacy in Academic Data management at Schools - SPADATAS Funding: European Union. Erasmus + KA2 - Cooperation partnership in school educationCoordinator: Universitat Ramon LlullProject type: EuropeanWebsite: https://spadatas.euTwitter
HerStory - Combating gender stereotypes by highlighting women's contribution to the history of societies Funding: European Union. Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme. CERV-2022-GE - Call for proposals to promote gender equalityCoordinator: Universidad de SalamancaProject type: EuropeanWebsite:
Promoting Resilience and Employability in university (PREVIEW) Funding: European Union. Erasmus + KA2 – Cooperation among organisations and institutions. Cooperation partnerships in higher education.Coordinator: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IT)Project type: EuropeanWebsite:
ENriching Circular use of OeR for Education (ENCORE) Funding: European Union. Erasmus +. Partnerships for Innovation: Alliances (ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PI-ALL-INNO)Coordinator: Universita di PisaProject type: EuropeanWebsite:
Level-Adequate Texts in Language Learning (LATILL) Funding: European Union. Erasmus + KA2 - Cooperation partnership in school educationCoordinator: Universität WienProject type: EuropeanWebsite:
Gamified Values Education For Fostering Migrant Integration at Schools (GAMIGRATION) Funding: European Union. Erasmus + KA2 - Cooperation partnership in school educationCoordinator: Universidad de SalamancaProject type: EuropeanWebsite:
Digital Practicum 3.0: Exploring Augmented Reality, Remote Classrooms, and Virtual Learning To Enrich and Expand Preservice Teacher Education Preparation Funding: European Union. Erasmus + KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA226 - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness in Higher EducationCoordinator: Universidad de SalamancaProject type: EuropeanWebsite:
Home, but not alone: Empowering preschool teachers and parents for digital education Funding: European Union. Erasmus + KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness Coordinator: KECIOREN ILCE MILLI EGITIM MUDURLUGUProject type: EuropeanWebsite:
Critical History: Adapting history education to the challenges of today's digitized, globalized, and diverse societies in Europe Funding: European Union. Erasmus + KA2 – Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices. Strategic Partnerships for school educationCoordinator: Tallinn UniversityProject type: EuropeanWebsite:
Today's Children Tomorrow's Changemakers Funding: European Union. Erasmus + KA2 – Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices. Strategic Partnerships for school educationCoordinator: Bursa Il Milli Eğitim MüdürlüğüProject type: EuropeanWebsite:
Co-thinking and Creation for STEAM diversity-gap reduction Funding: European Union. Erasmus + KA2 – Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices. Strategic Partnerships for school educationCoordinator: Universitat Ramon LlullProject type: EuropeanWebsite: Project website